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Two in One Touch & Touch-less - Yoswit Smart Access Control Device

Project Overview

Two in One Touch & Touch-less – Yoswit Smart Access Control Device. It combines touch (Access Card) and touchless (Facial Recognition) access methods. This product is specially designed for the “InnoCell”. “InnoCell” is a smart living and co-creation space designed for I&T talents to spark collaboration within Hong Kong Science Park. It is used as an access control device in communal areas. Such as co-work space and some stairs. Since the installation space is not very large, the appearance of the product is a slender and slim design.

ROLE: Product Design (Outward, Structure, Material), Communicate with 3D Modelling Engineer, Find & Contact with Tempered Glass Supplier.

CLIENT: Yoswit, HKSTP InnoCell

YEAR: 2020 (Year-long project)

KEYWORDS: Product Design, Structure Design, High Technology, Smart Access Control, Touch, Touch-less, HKSTP InnoCell

Design Process

01 Understand
Go to InnoCell to inspect the installation location on the spot and communicate with them to know the requirements. Knowing the hardware component of the panel.

02 Ideate
Base on the hole of socket 86 light switch installation, brainstorm the wall-mount ideas. And base on the hardware component designs a suitable solution.

03 Decide
Decide the best solution with the mark-up points of the product structures to the 3D modeling engineer and communicate with him.

04 Prototype
Make a prototype to see the basic idea of the panel and the quality of the materials. Install all the hardware components on the panel.

05 Test & Adjust
Check whether the camera and card reader installation position is aligned with the tempered glass. When the distance between the card reader and the tempered glass is in good contact?

06 Deliver
Install the two in one access control device on HKSTP InnoCell co-work entrance.


Detail of Components

  1. The male Snap-Fit Joints between the Sheet Metal Case and Tempered Glass Bottom Bracket
  2. The sticky area for sticking the Tempered Glass Bottom Bracket and Tempered Glass
  3. The hole of wall-mount screw column
  4. The female Snap-Fit Joints between the Sheet Metal Case and Tempered Glass Bottom Bracket
  1. The hole of the facial camera screw
  2. The hole of wall-mount screw
  3. Fixed the facial camera and card reader pivot
  4. Socket 86 case’s shape
  5. The wall-mount srew of Socket 86 case’s shape
  6. 25mm x 25mm hole





Final Design